How To Write A Winning Gig Proposal: 5 Steps

5 min readMar 1, 2024


Becoming a digital freelance writer means you can work independently and choose the projects that fit your skillsets and experience.

It’s not easy, especially for beginners who don’t have testimonials and a writing portfolio.

Those issues are not the biggest problems. The challenge is you must write a gig proposal that effectively presents yourself professionally and addresses all the job requirements.

If you don’t have a compelling writing proposal, you will find inconsistent work, which means it impacts your consistent income and financial security.

This article will guide you through 5 actionable steps for writing a winning gig proposal. By mastering writing proposals, you are in a better position to find reliable clients and secure more project opportunities.

The 3 biggest mistakes many freelance content writers make when trying to write a project proposal:

Writing a compelling proposal is essential to grab the client’s attention and potentially receive a project offer.

In other words, you must respectfully read the project description to understand the requirements before presenting a freelance copywriting proposal.

Based on my experiences and observations, many freelance writers ignore the job description. Instead, just copy and paste whenever see the project posts on Toptal or Upwork.

This is a bad practice. It not only wastes your time but it can also directly damage your credibility, and thus, clients will disregard your proposal.

Here are the 3 biggest mistakes you should avoid when presenting a content writing proposal:

  • Using the generic proposal: it is dangerous to use the same proposal for all projects. Your job is to develop your proposal and tailor it to specific project requirements.
  • Ignoring the project requirements: without understanding clients’ needs and wants, you won’t be able to present the perfect proposal and even deliver bad results.
  • Not highlighting your relevant skills and experience: clients are only interested in your proposal if you demonstrate the required skills to perform projects better.

Luckily for you, there’s now a solution: the complete 5 proven steps help you not only with writing a winning gig proposal but also with a complete illustration example to master your skill and potentially secure future projects.

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Read the project description

So the question is how to write a winning gig proposal.

There is no magic button. Before crafting a catchy proposal for website copy or business writing projects, it’s crucial to read and understand all key component requirements.

It allows you to determine whether the project is a good fit and aligns with your skill or not.

If it’s not related to your skills, then respectfully pass the project to someone else who can perform the job excellently.

Focus on “quality over quantity”, which means you only send a freelance copywriting proposal if you can fulfill all the job requirements.

To win remote writing jobs, thoroughly reading the job posting is essential.

Related reading: Best Online Job Sites That Offer Remote & Freelance Work From Home Jobs

Tailor the proposal

When you familiarise yourself with the job description. It’s time to prepare a hooky proposal to address the client’s specific needs and desires.

Whether or not you can win the gig proposal and get paid to write, it’s depending on how you tailor your offer to grab the client’s attention.

As mentioned earlier, using the generic or same proposal for all projects is a bad practice because it not only wastes your time but also damages your credibility as clients definitely will ignore your proposal.

To write a gig proposal, two important components you should always remember:

  • Understand the job requirements
  • List your relevant skills and experience that allow you to perform the job better

Creating a winning proposal is not easy, especially if you are a beginner website copywriter.

But using a tool like Frase will help you stay on the path as this AI-powered tool will help you to write a compelling proposal by addressing job requirements and listing your skillsets, which means your proposal will attract the interest of clients.

It’s the tool that can make a difference, so your job is to make the most out of this tool and outcompete other freelance writers to win more projects.

Answer questions honestly

For premium or long-term projects, corporate clients or agencies often ask several questions to determine whether you are a good fit or not.

In particular, those questionnaires may cover your previous work experience, copywriting portfolio, work experience, availability, etc.

So to build a long-term relationship and win the trust of clients, it’s important to answer questions honestly as you show respect to them.

When you earn their respect and trust, this is how the relationship is nurtured, which means clients may consider you as the top candidates for long-term working projects.

Don’t chase after money or profit first by dishonestly answering questions, focus on demonstrating your value, and what you can do to help clients are the keys to building strong and lasting relationships.

Related reading: The 6 Best AI Writing Tools for Freelance Writers & Bloggers

Mention relevant skills and experience

After understanding the client’s specific needs, it’s time to stand out by listing relevant skills and work experience to address the job description.

If you have done similar projects in the past, don’t forget to mention it as it’s your advantage, which means you demonstrate your capability and increase the likelihood of exceeding client expectations.

Based on my experience, I suggest you provide the step-by-step procedure on how you help them solve problems.

Clients will immediately understand you have the required skills and experience to deliver better work performance.

Share your LinkedIn and portfolio

To effectively showcase your qualifications, you should provide a link to your LinkedIn profile and writing portfolio.

This means it will further establish trust and credibility in your niche.

In addition, clients will check your LinkedIn profile and writing portfolio to highlight several important aspects that determine whether you are the right one or not:

  1. Writing style
  2. Communication skills
  3. Interpersonal skills

Indeed, there may be different aspects, which depend on project and client requirements.

Always include the link to your LinkIned profile and freelance writing portfolio, which means you show clients the evidence and let them know you are a right fit candidate for the online writing jobs.


To win the freelance copywriting job offers, writing a compelling proposal holds an equal weight to your work experience.

It’s critical to get familiar with the job description and understand the client’s requirements. This is how you write a winning gig proposal and secure a long-term relationship.

Aim for “quality over quantity”, which means you only apply a project proposal if it aligns with your experience and technical skills.

Don’t take a project that you don’t have the relevant skills, it only does more harm to your reputation than making a short-term profit.

Related reading:

Upwork Review: The Beginner’s Guide to Find Freelance Jobs

How Gig Work Is Continuing To Rise: 3 Biggest Trends

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